Access according to IP address

You can set addresses of computers from which clients can, eventually cannot connect to the server. It is possible to use both numerical IP addresses and text domain names. If resolving of IP addresses is dissabled, rules containing domain names are ignored.

If no rule is specified, access is automatically granted. If at least one rule is specified and address doesnot comply with any of them, access is denied. If you want to grant access for all that doesnot comply with any of the rules, you must explicitely add allowing rule for all addresses (*.*.*.*). Rules are evaluated from top down, first usable rule is apllicated.

Rule - edit

  • Allow - rule being edited will be allowing.
  • Deny - rule being edited will be denying.
  • Edit field - You can specify address mask for this rule to this field.
  • List of rules

    Prefix "+" before a rule means, that rule is allowing, prefix "-" means it is denying.

  • Add - Rule from edit part is added to the list.
  • Remove - Selected rule is deleted from the list.
  • Up - Selected rule is moved up in the list.
  • Down - Selected rule is moved down in the list.
  • Wild characters

    Rules can be defined not only for a concrete address, but also for a group af addresses (address mask) using wild characters.

    You can use following wild characters:

  • ? - Question mark is a substitute for exactly one character. (e.g. "tin?" means tina, tinb, tinc...).
  • * - Asterisk is a substitute for a arbitrary number of characters to the nearest dot (e.g. * includes all computers from this domain,, and others)
  • - - hyphen is a substitute for an interval. Sense makes only for numerical IPs, because hyphen is allowed character in domain names (e.g. 192.168.1-3 means 192.168.1, 192.168.2 a 192.168.3).